Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Posts with the tag “tammy”

Nothing but Cookies
by Dana S on March 8th, 2020
Nothing but Cookies Growing up, I loved being invited to my Great Grandma Neidinger’s house for Christmas dinner.   It was fun and exciting.  To me it was simply the best meal ever.  I am sure just by reading the title of this article that you can guess what my great grandma served at these Christmas dinners. For this one special meal each year we ate nothing but cookies!  Grandma Neidinger took g...  Read More
Knowing Where to Turn
by Dana S on February 16th, 2020
The astrologers asked the king to reveal his dream so that they could consult the stars and present their interpretation, but the king did not want to reveal it. In Daniel 2:6 he ordered them, “So tell me the dream and (then) interpret it for me.”  Read More
Uncertain and Unsettled
by Dana S on January 26th, 2020
Do you prefer to have things planned out in advance? Do you like to be prepared? Do you feel better when you know the plan? For many of us, there is a sense of security in knowing what lies ahead. Learning to take things as they come is an important lesson the Lord has been teaching me in recent years.   Read More
It\'s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
by Dana S on January 5th, 2020
I hear all of the happy, bouncy Christmas songs. I love the lights and decorations. I enjoy the “happily ever after” Hallmark Christmas movies. But I still find myself asking, “Is this really the most wonderful time of the year?”   Read More
A Bethlehem Walk Thank You
by Dana S on December 9th, 2019
For the past four years, members of Christ Lutheran Church have come together in November and early December with a very specific purpose in mind. Many have cheerfully given time, talents, and generous donations to support our Bethlehem Walk.   Read More
Wear Your Own Shoes
by Dana S on November 24th, 2019
Recently I heard a touching story about a young man who battled strong feelings of insecurity. His father had pastored a growing church for many years. The young man learned a lot under his father’s leadership. He even enjoyed his own small successes as the congregation’s youth pastor.   Read More
Identity Protector
by Dana S on October 13th, 2019
As hard as we try to be careful to protect our personal information, many experts believe that most of our Social Security Numbers have been compromised. I experienced this reality recently when my own identity was stolen.   Read More
Happy Labor Day
by Dana S on September 1st, 2019
According to the U.S. Department of Labor website, Labor Day “constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”  Read More
Cease Striving
by Dana S on January 11th, 2019
You may be quite familiar with Psalm 46:10… “Be still and know that I am God.” (NIV) This beautiful yet simple Bible verse has helped many of us through difficult and distracting times.   Read More




