Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

While our main mission is to preach the Word and deliver the Sacraments to the people here at Christ Lutheran and the surrounding area, we also support several outside ministries. Each month we tithe our General Offerings. $2500 goes to support our District and the Synod (which goes to Camp Luther, missionaries, Pastor education, and more). The remainder each month goes to another organization.
We also support Pastor Matthew Wood who is serving the Church in Indonesia (find out about his work here) and two seminarians training to be Pastors: Christopher Shearman and Steven Steingraber.
Here are the organizations we are supporting in 2025:
January - LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces & Veteran’s at King
The Wisconsin Veterans Home at King is a long term and rehabilitative care facility caring for veterans, a veteran's spouse, the surviving spouse of a veteran, and Gold Star Parents (parents who have lost a son or daughter in combat).
The LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces supports all LCMS chaplains who serve on active duty, in the reserves, the National Guard, Civil Air Patrol, and Coast Guard Auxiliary. LCMS chaplains deliver Word and Sacrament ministry to our military personnel and their families.
February – Immanuel Lutheran School Scholarship
Money will be used to help members of our congregation send their children to the local LCMS School.
March – Feed My Starving Children
Christian organization that relies on volunteers to put together food packs to send all over the world to feed children. It costs less than 25 cents a meal. A MobilePack event is usually held in Marshfield every Spring.
April – LCMS Missionaries – Pastor Matthew Wood
The main priority of a missionary is to bring the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to people who have never heard the Good News. LCMS missionaries usually share that Good News in the language of the people they serve. When the Holy Spirit begins to gather people into Christian fellowship, missionaries assist these new Christians in forming their own indigenous church leaders.
May – Hannah Center and Shirley’s House of Hope
Both are local organizations that help women in crisis situations.
June – Soup or Socks
Soup or Socks is a local food pantry.
July – Lutheran Disaster Response
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Disaster Response ministry responds to immediate and long-term needs following natural and man-made disasters.
- Last Sunday - VBS Mission Project
Every year we choose a mission to support with offerings brought in during Vacation Bible School.
August – KFUO and Issues Etc
KFUO and Issues Etc are both Lutheran radio stations that can be listened to live or on demand. They do Bible Studies, talk about current events, and teach the faith.
September – Operation Christmas Child
Every year we fill around 150 shoebox gifts that are sent all over the world to children in need. It costs $10 a shoebox for shipping and Gospel materials (written in the child’s own language).
October – Camp Luther
Camp Luther is a year-round camp located in Three Lakes, WI. It is a ministry of the North Wisconsin District. Several of our youth attend every year and we occasionally have Confirmation retreats there.
November - Faith Comes by Hearing (Military Bible Sticks) and Lutheran Bible Translators
Just $25 provides a Military BibleStick (the Audio Drama New Testament and selected Psalms) for one of the Troops who protect our nation and preserve our freedoms. Besides Military BibleSticks, they also produce audio Bibles in other languages for those who can’t read or don’t have a written language. One of their partners is Lutheran Bible Translators.
Lutheran Bible Translators makes God’s Word accessible to those who do not yet have it in the language they understand best.
December – Mission and Outreach Fund
Money from this month will be used for needs and mission opportunities as they arise next year. Everything from helping local families and organizations to national and international needs.
We also support Pastor Matthew Wood who is serving the Church in Indonesia (find out about his work here) and two seminarians training to be Pastors: Christopher Shearman and Steven Steingraber.
Here are the organizations we are supporting in 2025:
January - LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces & Veteran’s at King
The Wisconsin Veterans Home at King is a long term and rehabilitative care facility caring for veterans, a veteran's spouse, the surviving spouse of a veteran, and Gold Star Parents (parents who have lost a son or daughter in combat).
The LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces supports all LCMS chaplains who serve on active duty, in the reserves, the National Guard, Civil Air Patrol, and Coast Guard Auxiliary. LCMS chaplains deliver Word and Sacrament ministry to our military personnel and their families.
February – Immanuel Lutheran School Scholarship
Money will be used to help members of our congregation send their children to the local LCMS School.
March – Feed My Starving Children
Christian organization that relies on volunteers to put together food packs to send all over the world to feed children. It costs less than 25 cents a meal. A MobilePack event is usually held in Marshfield every Spring.
April – LCMS Missionaries – Pastor Matthew Wood
The main priority of a missionary is to bring the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to people who have never heard the Good News. LCMS missionaries usually share that Good News in the language of the people they serve. When the Holy Spirit begins to gather people into Christian fellowship, missionaries assist these new Christians in forming their own indigenous church leaders.
May – Hannah Center and Shirley’s House of Hope
Both are local organizations that help women in crisis situations.
June – Soup or Socks
Soup or Socks is a local food pantry.
July – Lutheran Disaster Response
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Disaster Response ministry responds to immediate and long-term needs following natural and man-made disasters.
- Last Sunday - VBS Mission Project
Every year we choose a mission to support with offerings brought in during Vacation Bible School.
August – KFUO and Issues Etc
KFUO and Issues Etc are both Lutheran radio stations that can be listened to live or on demand. They do Bible Studies, talk about current events, and teach the faith.
September – Operation Christmas Child
Every year we fill around 150 shoebox gifts that are sent all over the world to children in need. It costs $10 a shoebox for shipping and Gospel materials (written in the child’s own language).
October – Camp Luther
Camp Luther is a year-round camp located in Three Lakes, WI. It is a ministry of the North Wisconsin District. Several of our youth attend every year and we occasionally have Confirmation retreats there.
November - Faith Comes by Hearing (Military Bible Sticks) and Lutheran Bible Translators
Just $25 provides a Military BibleStick (the Audio Drama New Testament and selected Psalms) for one of the Troops who protect our nation and preserve our freedoms. Besides Military BibleSticks, they also produce audio Bibles in other languages for those who can’t read or don’t have a written language. One of their partners is Lutheran Bible Translators.
Lutheran Bible Translators makes God’s Word accessible to those who do not yet have it in the language they understand best.
December – Mission and Outreach Fund
Money from this month will be used for needs and mission opportunities as they arise next year. Everything from helping local families and organizations to national and international needs.
Guatemala Mission Trip
Our first international mission trip was to Guatemala in 2017. We returned in 2019.