Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Bible Studies

Bible Studies


After Service
Let by Pastor Belt in the Fellowship Hall. We are going through the Book of Concord (The Lutheran Confessions). 


Pastor Belt goes through a book of the Bible each year. Also join us for Chapel at 9am.

Class and Chapel meet from September - May.


This study is led by Yvonne Rosche. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall.

Men's Breakfast

Mondays @ 7:30am
Men's Breakfast Bible Study. All men are welcome to join us for Bible Study and breakfast. The study is led by the Elders. 

Ask the Pastor

On the last Monday of the month (around 1:30pm), Pastor Belt will be answering your theological questions on Facebook Live. You can submit questions using the contact form below. He will answer as many as he can. Videos will be archived on our Facebook and YouTube pages and on the App. 
Summer 2020