Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Posts with the tag “ten-commandments”

Lent 2021 - Second Table of the Law (Anderson)
by Dana S on February 25th, 2021
“And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:39–40). The second table of the Law deals with the question of how to love your neighbor as yourself.   Read More
Lent 2021 - Second Table of the Law (Belt)
by Dana S on February 22nd, 2021
The Fourth Commandment: Honor your Father and Mother. There is enough work to do in this commandment that it would take all our lives. The work that is given to children is the most God pleasing work in all the universe. Why honor, love, listen, obey and cherish your parents?   Read More
Lent 2021 - First Table of the Law (Anderson)
by Dana S on February 18th, 2021
“‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?’ And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment’” (Matthew 22:36–38). All of us know that idolatry is explicitly forbidden by God’s Law. Thus, the first three commandments are directed toward our relationship with our Creator. How shall we love the Lord our God? “You shall have no other gods.” “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.” “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” All of these commandments show us how to love the Lord our God rightly.  Read More
Lent 2021 - First Table of the Law (Belt)
by Dana S on February 15th, 2021
The First Commandment: You shall have no other gods. This brings up several thoughts. What is a god? Who has a god? Who is the true God that we should have?   Read More




