September 2022 Newsletter
on September 15th, 2022
“And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved…” Matthew 10:22
The verse above is Jesus talking to his disciples and telling them plain as day what they will expect from the world. As this text goes on he will talk about the honor that comes from being treated like Jesus himself was treated. He then tells the disciples to have no fear of those who slander or malign you for belonging to Christ, because the day is coming when all will be known. Read More
August 2022 Library Update
on August 25th, 2022
Do you ever wonder about our Lutheran stance on a variety of modern issues and topics, and are curious to learn more? New to the church library are some great new resources printed out from our Synod’s website. These are collected together in a blue binder available for check-out on the New Books bookshelf (where you can also find magazines and other browse-able materials). Read More
August 2022 Newsletter
on August 11th, 2022
“But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’” Jude vs.9I remember first reading that verse in my Bible and going, “Wait. What?!”Imagine the Devil and Michael standing over the dead body of Moses and arguing over what to do with Moses is a strange image to r... Read More
July 2022 Newsletter
on July 14th, 2022
“The reason why the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8
On Friday, June 24th, which was fitting to be the date that we in the church celebrate the birth of John the Baptist who leapt in the womb at the presence of Christ our Lord in Mary’s Womb, the announcement came out from the Supreme Court that shook the cultural landscape of our country. Read More
June 2022
on July 7th, 2022
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:12-13
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Library Update - Abortion
on July 7th, 2022
With the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, it’s a great time to dig into our beliefs as Lutherans about the sanctity of life and be prepared to engage our neighbors who hold passionately different views.
There are three great resources in the church library on the topic of abortion that can get you started. Read More
Library Review - Traced
on July 7th, 2022
n school we learn that humans evolved a few hundred thousand years ago (or even a couple of million years ago). But according to the Bible, God created everything, including man, only around 6000 years ago. Which is right? Read More
Call Response
on May 31st, 2022
“It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel. For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:7-8 Read More
May 2022 Newsletter
on May 19th, 2022
Why does Jesus do this? Why does Jesus come to his disciples to deputize them and send them out? Isn’t it enough that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead? Isn’t that what makes us good with God? Why do these 10 men in the text get the authority to forgive sins? Read More
April 2022 Newsletter
on May 19th, 2022
It is now that time of the year! As you read this, we are only a few days away from the start of Holy Week. The week that is the highlight of our Faith as we revolve around the events of the final days and life of Christ, beginning from his ride into Jerusalem and leading to the empty tomb. I live for this week even as it wears me out by Easter afternoon. Read More
Conclusion of the Lord\'s Prayer
on April 15th, 2022
What does this mean? This means that I should be certain that these petitions are pleasing to our Father in heaven and are heard by Him; for He Himself has commanded us to pray in this way and has promised to hear us. Amen, amen means “yes, yes, it shall be so.”
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Seventh Petition Prayer
on April 14th, 2022
Father in Heaven, you delivered your Son over into death. While Judas was working to hand you over to your enemies, you were handed over to deliver us from sin, death, and hell. Read More
Lent Devotional - March 1, 2023Lent Devotional - March 2, 2023Lent Devotional - March 3, 2023Lent Devotional - March 4, 2023Lent Devotional - March 7, 2023Lent Devotional - March 6, 2023Lent Devotional - March 8, 2023Lent Devotional - March 9, 2023Lent Devotional - March 10, 2023Lent Devotional - March 11, 2023March 2023 NewsletterLent Devotional - March 13, 2023Lent Devotional - March 14, 2023Lent Devotional - March 15, 2023Lent Devotional - March 16, 2023Lent Devotional - March 17, 2023Lent Devotional - March 18, 2023Lent Devotional - March 20, 2023Lent Devotional - March 21, 2023Lent Devotional - March 22, 2023Lent Devotional - March 23, 2023Lent Devotional - March 24, 2023Lent Devotional - March 25, 2023Lent Devotional - March 27, 2023Lent Devotional - March 28, 2023Lent Devotional - March 29, 2023Lent Devotional - March 30, 2023Lent Devotional - March 31, 2023
Advent 2023 Devotional: “Immanuel, Jesus with us.” Advent 2023: November 6Advent 2023: November 7 - PromiseAdvent 2023: November 8 - PeopleAdvent 2023: November 9 - PsalmAdvent 2023: November 10 - HymnAdvent 2023: November 13 - PresenceAdvent 2023: November 14 - PromiseAdvent 2023: November 15 - PeopleAdvent 2023: November 16 - PsalmAdvent 2023: November 17 - HymnAdvent 2023: November 20 - PresenceAdvent 2023: November 21 - PromiseAdvent 2023: November 23 - PsalmAdvent 2023: November 24 - HymnAdvent 2023: November 27 - PresenceAdvent 2023: November 28 - PromiseAdvent 2023: November 29 - PeopleAdvent 2023: November 30 - Psalm
Advent 2023: December 1 - HymnAdvent 2023: December 4 - PresenceAdvent 2023: December 5 - PromiseAdvent 2023: December 6 - PeopleAdvent 2023: December 7 - PsalmAdvent 2023: December 8 - HymnAdvent 2023: December 11 - PresenceAdvent 2023: December 12 - PromiseAdvent 2023: December 13 - PeopleAdvent 2023: December 14 - PsalmAdvent 2023: December 15 - HymnAdvent 2023: December 18 - PresenceAdvent 2023: December 19 - PromiseDecember 2023 NewsletterAdvent 2023: December 20 - PeopleAdvent 2023: December 21 - PsalmAdvent 2023: December 22 - HymnAdvent 2023 Devotional: Conclusion