Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Library Update - Abortion

Dear CLC Members,

With the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, it’s a great time to dig into our beliefs as Lutherans about the sanctity of life and be prepared to engage our neighbors who hold passionately different views.

There are three great resources in the church library on the topic of abortion that can get you started.

A Biblical Response to Abortion is a short primer on the topic. This pamphlet can be found on a table between the Narthex and the Fellowship Hall to take home. This is one topic of a series by our synod’s publisher, Concordia Publishing House.

Another new book on the shelves is called Speaking for the Unborn: 30-Second Pro-Life Rebuttals to Pro-Choice Arguments. In it the author makes quick non-religious arguments to many soundbites you may have heard from the abortion debate. There is also a companion website,

You can learn more about the book from the author, Steven Christie, who gave an interview on the Lutheran podcast Issues, Etc. called “Answering Pro-Choice Arguments.” I recommend searching for it at

For kids, a new book called Alive Before You Were Born: God’s Gift of Life reinforces the truth that we are God’s child even at conception. Find it set out in the children’s section.

Besides abortion, you can prepare yourself to more confidently engage the world on a variety of topics with a few other helpful library titles.

I encourage you to check out Faith that Engages the Culture; Christians in a Cancel Culture; 5 Things You Can Do to Witness Christ; Objections Overruled: Answering Common Objections to Christianity; and Connected to Christ: Witnessing in Everyday Life.

Happy reading,

Volunteer Church Librarian

The Church Library is located by the Sunday School office and includes fiction and nonfiction titles, children’s books, Lutheran Witness magazines, A Simple Explanation booklet series, an audio Bible on CDs, music and DVDs, Arch and other kids books, plus a Young Adult section!

Remove the card located in the back of the book. Write down your name and the date of checkout, then deposit it in the small basket at the checkout station. Books can be checked out for two months. The library is funded entirely through donations - please be diligent about returning materials!
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