Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Seventh Petition Prayer

April 14 – Prayer

Father in Heaven, you delivered your Son over into death.  While Judas was working to hand you over to your enemies, you were handed over to deliver us from sin, death, and hell.

Lord, the devil works mightily to destroy us and afflict us with all bitterness and evil.  He seeks to make a mockery of us and to bring us into misery and ruin.  But by the death of your Son, Jesus Christ, you have publicly made a mockery of his ways to destroy us and have made them the very gateway into your loving embrace.  Cause us to trust in you, and to find our hope and restoration in the work of the cross and of the empty grave.
Keep us safe from every evil that would afflict our bodies.  Disease, pain, suffering.  And when these things come, bring us through them to yourself.  When our time comes to depart this earth, bring us to yourself.  We know that where you are, there your name is holy, there your kingdom is present, there your will is done, there you provide for all we need, there we find forgiveness, there we discover exists no temptation, and there we will be delivered from evil.

Answer this by your grace, that we might be freed from this valley of the shadow of death and be brought into your mighty presence where we will have no fear and no lack.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
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