The Belt of Truth: Psalm 95
Psalm 95 is an admonish to sing to the Lord, praise him, and cry out to him. Popular in the church in the singing of the Venite in the service of Matins. Christians have always sung this psalm in the morning.
Why? For he is our Maker and Creator. He is the Lord and God of all creation and all the gods answer to him. Even the sea, often seen as a place that not even the pagan gods had control over is the possession of the God of Israel.
But more than that, God is praised because he is the God of his people, whom he has chosen as his own, like the sheep of a pasture picked by the shepherd himself. Here John 10 is in the background as Jesus is our Good Shepherd.
Finally, knowing that God is our Creator and Savior comes with a warning for when God brings his reign and his creative word to us. Today when we hear his voice and have opportunity to hear the Word of God, we should not refuse the summons or deny its effect on us. This is what happened to the people in the Exodus wandering. The consequence was not being saved. Now that this is turned to us, we too must heed the call of God.