Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 113

Jun 28, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 113 is part of the Egyptian Hallel, which are psalms 113-118. These Psalms were most likely sung before the Passover Meal (113-114) and after the meal (115-118). So these hymns were what Christ sang with his disciples before the start of his passion.

Psalm 113 considers the glory and exaltation of God. It is above the heavens, it is not something easily grasped though it is spread over all the heavens. 

And yet, this glory notes and sees only those on bondage and suffering. This glory and exaltation of God gives him the joy to flipping the tables. He gives the barren children and home and lifts the needy from the dust. 

This Psalm could easily be used to summarize the entire Gospel of Luke, since so many of those themes are played out in Psalm 113.