Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 41

Jul 21, 2023    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 41 concludes Book One of the Psalms (1-41) and also brings together the themes and ideas that we have heard throughout the Psalms so far. 

In it, we hear of the Blessed Man from Psalm 1, Jesus Christ, who goes around doing much good. He sustains and keeps people on their sick beds and considers and poor and the weak. We see this in the life of Christ. 

Then the Psalm switches to a first person view of the Blessed Man, Jesus Christ, who carries our sins (v4) and will be vindicated by his integrity (v12). He is whispered against in reminiscence of Psalm 2. He knows that many are against him, wanting him dead, that even his close friend is seeking to betray him, which Jesus quotes in John 13. 

But he knows that his Father will vindicate him, raise him up, and seat him in his presence. 

The psalm then concludes with a final beatitude that summarize Book One and gets us ready for more in Book Two of the Psalms (42-72)