The Belt of Truth: Psalm 105:1-22
Psalm 105 and 106 form another set of twin psalms which bring to an end Book IV of the Psalms (90-106). Each psalm begins and ends the same way with an “Alleluia!”
And these two psalms are like both sides of the same coin. Both psalms cover Holy History. Psalm 105 covers it from the perspective of God’s faithfulness and Psalm 106 covers it from the perspective of Israel’s rejection of their Lord.
The first 15 verses of Psalm 105 are very similar in topic to 1 Chronicles 16 as David has the ark of the covenant brought into Jerusalem, setting some of the framework for this psalm. The patriarchs and the promises of God’s covenant with them are established.
Then from there Psalm 105 talks about Joseph, Moses. And the Exodus. God’s faithfulness and promises are extolled and praised and God’s people are called to join in on it.