Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 122

Sep 6, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 122, finds a journey’s end that began in Psalm 120 in the Psalms of Ascent. 

Psalm 120 depicting leaving the places of war to journey to God. Psalm 121 put us on the road with our eyes to God’s aid during the trip. 

Psalm 122 finds us within the gates of the city of Jerusalem. For us, Jerusalem is not the city on the map, nor any city of man. 

This is the city of Jerusalem that Paul calls the Jerusalem above in Galatians 4 and the heavenly Jerusalem that descends from heaven at the end of Revelation. 

This is the Church that we pray for, where we find the people of God, and for which we pray for peace. We pray for unity of confession and doctrine, and as Jesus prayed in John 17, to be joined together as one in faith and love.