Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 83

Feb 11, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 83 is a prayer asking for the full might of God to destroy the enemy’s that fight against his claim to sole kingship of the earth. 

These enemies are listed in a group of ten, which suggests all of God’s enemies of all times and places that fight against God by destroying his people. The reference to the enemies lifting up their heads and being crafty brings to mind that these enemies are demonically inspired and will meet the fate of the serpent in Genesis 3. 

In fact, Sisera who is mentioned, had his head crushed back in Judges 4. 

At one moment there seems to be a moment of relenting where they are being asked to seek the Lord, but the moment passes with God’s victory over them and for his dominion to come. This psalm captures the thoughts of “Thy Kingdom Come” and “Deliver us from Evil.”