The Belt of Truth: Psalm 29
Many Biblical images and accounts are swirling in this tempest of a Psalm.
Psalm 29 finds us in the middle of a Hurricane whose sound is the voice of God. Voice is said 7 times in this psalm (Revelation 10, John 12) which is an onomatopoeia with thunder.
We can remind ourselves of creation, Noah’s flood, the Red Sea crossing, Jesus walking on water, Jesus’ death and resurrection, and so much more that are alluded to in this psalm.
Here the Glory (kodesh) of the Lord is contrasted with the Kadesh (word play on ‘glory’) of this world.
At the end of this psalm is a blessing of peace, of calm after the storm. Like how Jesus calmed the storm, or Noah came out of the ark, or the people crossed the Red sea, or how Jesus came behind locked doors to speak of word of peace.