Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 19:7-14

Apr 3, 2023    Rev. Andrew Belt

Psalm 19 is a Psalm revealing to us how God makes himself known. 

He does through what is called Natural Revelation. We see this in vs 1-6 of Psalm 19 and is also reflected in Romans 1. God’s creation reveals the power, might, and glory of God. But through this means of revelation, we do not know how to interpret or know God. We do not know his disposition or character. 

For that the rest of the Psalm makes known to us how we can know God and it is through what is called Special Revelation. God himself must talk. This is reflected in that in vs 1-6 only the title of God is used. While vs 7 onward use God’s covenant revealed name the LORD. 

This knowledge causes us to understand the sound of creation in praise to its Creator and causes us to repent and ask for God’s mercy and grace which he makes known to us through his Son Jesus Christ our LORD.