Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Th Belt of Truth: Psalm 108

Jun 7, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 108 stitches together two psalms. Psalm 57 and psalm 60 which both come from low points in David’s life. Yet surprisingly Psalm 108 only takes from the certainly of victory because of God’s rescue. 

Being that this is the first psalm with David in Book 5 and the themes used in the psalm, we see here a victory of resurrection and triumph. This psalm is used for Christ’s resurrection and ascension and sets the tone for Book 5. 

As the psalm declares victory it turns to us asking for that certainty of victory to now be given to us. Reminding us that we are in a battle and need to be equipped for our deliverance and being made holy which comes to us through the sacrament. 

Also in Psalm 108 is God’s rule over the nations and a hint given of all the nations being gathered to God.