Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 111

Jun 21, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 111 and 112 are acrostic poems, each psalm verse having a letter in the Hebrew alphabet. 

111-118 form a set of psalms called the Great Hallel and 113-118 being the Egyptian Hallel hymns which were most likely sung during Passover, as Jesus sang on Maundy Thursday. 

The Psalm itself focuses on the work of God and references the Exodus, manna from heaven, and the promised land are mentioned as a way to show us the coming eternal new covenant that God is making through Christ. 

Christians in the earliest years gathered to sing psalm 111 during Sunday night and during the Lord’s Supper, showing us that God has given us the true food in the Lord Jesus Christ and that he remembers us when we partake of him. 

This beautiful psalm prepares us for Communion with God and with the congregation.