Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 117

Jul 12, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

While it is the shortest Psalm, Psalm 117 is packed with tons of terms. 

It is used by St. Paul in Romans 15:11 as a way to show how the Old Testament was looking forward to the day when the Gentiles would be grafted into Israel and so we are all grafted into him. 

It also shows what has come to us, namely God’s steadfast love and mercy. They are great, or they have “prevailed.” The same word here is used on the waters over the flood of Noah. The steadfast love of the Lord overflows in the baptism flood and in the institution of the Sacrament. 

This psalm is a great one to memorize and also rejoice in as well! We are members of Christ through faith in his promise!