Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 114

Jul 1, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 114 thunders on the scene as we see Israel among the nations, small, exiles. But they are brought home and delivered from the nations and are made into God’s sanctuary and people. 

We see through the lens of Hebrew poetry the Red Sea parting and the Jordan River spreading apart, which is how the Exodus began and ended. 

Before God the sea and the mountains tremble and quail because of him, in Elijah mocking the Prophets of Baal fashion. 

They tremble because God is present with his people and leading them. But while the earth trembles, God makes springs and water appear where there is none, recounting the provision of God in the wilderness. 

But this psalm hints at a greater exodus that is to come, which The Lord Jesus has come to bring to us his people as he gathers us from the nations and brings us into his promised land.