Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 67

Nov 13, 2023    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 66 echoes the Aaronic Benediction from Numbers 6. It could be that Psalm 67 was sung at the end of the worship service as the people were prepared to go out. 

A key word in this psalm also fits into the key themes of the Bible: blessing. It was blessing that God gave to his creation in Genesis 1-2. It was the blessing that mankind lost in Genesis 3 when the curse came. 

It is also the blessing that God promised Abraham to bring about the offspring, Jesus, to bless all people. And it is Jesus to restores the blessing and declares blessing in the Sermon on the Mount. 

In this psalm, the same pattern continues. God blesses his people and that blessing flows out to all the nations who will come to know the saving power of God. The result of all nations coming under the God of Israel is that all the creation will experience the blessing of God as well.