Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 68:1-18

Nov 17, 2023    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 68 is a victory psalm that details God’s journey with his people. 

David perhaps crafted this psalm for the occasion of 2 Samuel 6 when the ark comes to its final spot at Jerusalem. A journey that began in Numbers 10 when the ark first left Sinai. 

Psalm 68 uses a lot of imagery found in Numbers 10 and in the wilderness wandering and also from the book of Judges, especially the song of Deborah.

God is depicting with leading his people to a place of refuge and a home. God’s enemies fail before him and he will scatter what is left of their bones. 

This Psalm more connects with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, even the women announcing the victory and dividing the spoils to the men on the day he rose. 

This psalm finally gets to Jerusalem, God’s chosen hill, which causes all the other hills to be envious of God’s decision. 

St. Paul quotes from 68:18 in Ephesians 4 to describe that Jesus ascended and now gives gifts to his church and through his church.