The Belt of Truth: Psalm 78:1-16
Psalm 78 is a psalm that looks over and describes all the wondrous deeds that God has done and also combines the sorrows of God’s people not being faithful.
A command is given in the beginning to come and listen and to pass on these wondrous acts of God to the next generation that they might set their hope in God and not be like their fathers.
We see this point coming from Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and also being used in 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 and Hebrews 3-4.
This summary of God’s events for his people then takes us through Exodus all the way to 1st Kings. Each deed of God is compared to the failure or the people in the end to believe and trust in God but to walk away.
In the end, they miss out who walk away and try things their own way, for God chose the tribe of Judah and David to be the heir for the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord.