The Belt of Truth: Psalm 61
Psalm 61 is the prayer of David being far from God and asking to be brought near.
He uses many images to convey being brought near. To a rock that is higher than him. A place of refuge and a strong tower.
Then he moves the image to a fragile tent but the tent that brings to mind the tabernacle, the place where God dwells. A tent which has become flesh in Jesus and was torn in death for us and shed his blood so that we would come to God.
Then the image of a mother bird protecting her chicks from the storm to convey that God is with his people in hardship.
Then with the Selah interlude, a voice comes out to say that God has given the heritage of those who fear God to him. This is the voice of Christ through whom all blessings flow.
The voice then ends with those who fear the Lord praising health and well-being to the King, through whom steadfast love and faithfulness are abundant.