Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

The Belt of Truth: Psalm 102:1-11

Apr 29, 2024    Pastor Andrew Belt

Psalm 102 is a psalm of complaint uttered by one who is suffering and is near death. 

It begins by lamenting the suffering of their life and how brief we are in comparison to the eternal God. 

This teaches us that God is unlike us. But it is this unlike ness that causes us to hope because God can rescue us from it. 

And even more, God has become one of us in the person of his Son. He knows our fallen ness and has triumphed over it showing us he is able to save. 

This psalm is quoted in Hebrews 1 to make it clear that this Psalm is referring to Jesus as God. And the hope we find is that the people of God, the church, will be redeemed and made eternal and to stand forever.