The Belt of Truth: Psalm 77:1-9
Psalm 77 is a psalm that finds its echo in Jesus in Gethsemane as his disciples slept as he prayed agonizingly.
It can also remind us of Acts 12 when Peter is arrested and is waiting execution and the church stays up all night to pray for him.
We find that deliverance works the same in both accounts. Both Jesus and Peter slip through guarded areas into life and freedom.
Psalm 77, is the prayer then of not wanting to rest until prayers have been spoken to God and meditation on God’s Word has been made.
But the restlessness of verses 1-9 puts the prayer on a knife edge with the meditation succeeding or failing being also about the person’s salvation who prays.
Verses 10-20 then utter beautiful words that bring back to remembrance the salvation of the Exodus and for us, new life in Christ. In these verses, God works in a manner that escapes us and how we think we can be saved and brings about deliverance through his promises.