Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Christ Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI (LCMS)

You are welcome to join us for Divine Service Thursday evenings at 6:30pm and Sunday mornings at 9am.

Chapel is held Wednesdays at 9am (Sept - May)
(Find the Chapel schedule here). 

Current Activities and Events

For the most current updates on events and activities, check out our weekly newsletter and Facebook Page.


Lent is the 40 days leading up the Easter. It is a season of penitence and a focus on our sins and need for a Savior. During Lent our midweek services are different than Sundays. Our midweek theme this year is Baptism.

Sunday School

September - May
Ages 3 - 8th Grade
Register here
(Adult Bible Study is held at the same time in the Fellowship Hall)

Order of Service

Watch us on YouTube. 

Recent Videos

Check out our most recent vidoes here!

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Divine Service Times

Thursday Evenings
Sunday Mornings

(Except during Advent and Lent - the 7 weeks before Christmas and Easter - the Thursday service is the same as the Sunday following. 

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